Band Application



Bands, Theatres and Cabarets that wish to play / perform at our festival, should include a demo CD or link to demo tracks / videos, Info and concert dates in the Stuttgart region; The concert dates are very important, because we have to see the artists perform before we make a decision.

Applications without concert dates will not be considered.

We don’t prefer a specific musical style, but original music is preferred. The more interesting, exciting, thrilling and fascinating, the better.

Please don’t send videos and invitations to rehearsals.

Applications have to be handed in until the end of April. In early May we will make up the festival programme from the bands which we heard live and liked.

We receive many applications every year, consequently there are many concerts to be visited. We try to visit as many concerts as possible to listen to the bands. But we all have other jobs besides the U&D, and sometimes it just doesn’t fit. So, please don’t be upset if none of us turns up at a gig. And please don’t organise concerts „especially for us“ as we can’t guarantee that one of us will visit it.

The chances that we’ll turn up at a gig are better if it is within easy reach (near Stuttgart) and if you tell us the date in good time, the earlier the better.

Please post the demo and info to Roland Broemmel, Stotzingerstr. 2, D-70499 Stuttgart.